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Securing Connections with SSL/TLS Certificates

If your website accepts customers’ sensitive data (such as credit card information, for example), it is recommended to secure the communication to and from your website using an SSL/TLS certificate. The benefits of using an SSL/TLS certificate are twofold:

  • All connections to and from your website are encrypted and cannot be intercepted by a third party.
  • An SSL/TLS certificate issued for your website confirms your website’s validity. Thus, visitors know that they are indeed browsing your website (as opposed to a malicious website set up by a third party).

Knowing that the website they are browsing is authentic and that their payment information will not be compromised raises the confidence visitors have in your website. This makes having an SSL/TLS certificate essential, for example, for an online store.

If you want to secure your website with an SSL/TLS certificate, you can do it via ApaxonHost. You can choose any of the following scenarios:

Note: ApaxonHost supports Server Name Indication (SNI) by default. If you host multiple websites on a single IP address, you can secure each of them individually with a SSL/TLS certificate.

To manage your SSL/TLS certificates, go to Websites & Domains and click SSL/TLS Certificates.




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