Log In to Your Account

To log in to your account, open your browser and type

https://<your domain name or the server IP address>:8443

in the address bar. Your panel login page will open.


Type in your username and password, and then click Log in. If you want to see the ApaxonHost interface in a specific language, select it from the “Interface Language” menu before logging in.

If you are logging in for the first time and are unsure what your username and password are, check your email for a message that was sent when you registered Most likely, the username and password can be found there. If you are still unable to log in, please contact our support team.

Logging in to ApaxonHost with Social Login

You can log in to ApaxonHost with a third-party account belonging to one of the following services:

  • Social networks, such as Google, GitHub, and Facebook.

You can also log in with the ApaxonHost username and password as usual.

If the email address in your ApaxonHost profile matches an email that you used to sign up for a Google, GitHub, or Facebook, you can log in to ApaxonHost with this account right away.

To log in to ApaxonHost with a third-party account:

  1. Click the icon of the service you want to use to log in to ApaxonHost (the email address that you used to sign up for the service must match the email address in your ApaxonHost profile).


    You will be asked to click a link to send the service sign-in data to ApaxonHost. To avoid having to click the link in the future, select the “Trust … for 365 days and do not show this dialog” checkbox before clicking the link.


If the email address of a third-party account (Google, GitHub, or Facebook,), which you want to use to log in to ApaxonHost, does not match the email address in your ApaxonHost profile, you need to first link the third-party account to your ApaxonHost account.

To link a third-party account to ApaxonHost:

  1. Go to Account and click My Profile.

  2. Click the icon corresponding to the third-party account you want to use to log in to ApaxonHost. Grey icons mark the services that are not yet linked to your ApaxonHost account and cannot be used to log in to ApaxonHost.



  3. You will be asked to click a link to send the service sign-in data to Plesk. To avoid having to click the link in the future, select the “Trust … for 365 days and do not show this dialog” checkbox before clicking the link.




  4. The third-party account is now linked to your Plesk account.




    Repeat the steps 2-3 if you want to link more than one account.

  5. Click OK.

Now you can log in to Plesk with the third-party account you have linked.

  • Quickstart, Login, Account, Websites
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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